I put on my credulous voice and said how wonderful, what should I do?
He said was my computer logged in and online?
I said, yes, it was right there in front of me.
In fact, it was upstairs and off, but he was being a lying
bastard so I thought why shouldn't I?
We had an interesting exchange where he told me what to type
and what to click and we got as far as:
Him: ‘Now there should be a box come up on the screen.’
Me: ‘Oh yes, there it is.’
Him: ‘What does it say inside it?’
Me: ‘Uh... it’s hard to see without my glasses. Is it some
numbers you want?’
Him: ‘Yes, yes, that’s right. Can you get your glasses?’
I was going to read him a lecture about targeting vulnerable
people and how would he like it if it were his elderly mother/granny etc?
in the end I just got fed up, so said, ‘I'm bored with this now. If you think I'm
going to hand over data that lets some total stranger control my computer, you
have the brain of a gnat.’ And I hung up.
On the up side, there’s frog spawn in the pond.