
Friday, 21 February 2025

Sitting Under The Cloud

Naughty children at my granddaughter’s nursery school are punished by “sitting under the cloud.”

Today, I found her drawing on my office wall — not a major infringement, to be honest; I once plotted a whole novel on my office walls before I got my giant whiteboard, however, it is a forbidden activity.

I told her, “I’m going to find a cloud for you if you do that again.”

Later, following a microsecond’s inattention on my part, I discovered her back in the office. She’d drawn a cloud on the forbidden wall and was sitting under it, painting her nails with a lipstick.

I silently applauded the creative thinking but withdrew from the field. I know when I'm beaten.


Originally published in The Daily Cuppa

Friday, 7 February 2025

You Can’t Escape Friends Like These


We set out today to see a trio of old friends we’ve not visited since the covid pandemic started. Not that they have the least interest in seeing us, but we were regular visitors up to a couple of years ago.

After the meridian line (zero degrees longitude) leaves the Arctic Circle, it doesn’t hit land until it comes ashore on nearby Tunstall beach. We were heading into an area that takes wind direct from the Arctic with little to get in its way. Even on a warm spring day, several layers of clothing are needed.

We could see our old friends long before we could reach out and touch them...

For the rest of the story, CLICK HERE.