Friday, 21 February 2025

Sitting Under The Cloud

Naughty children at my granddaughter’s nursery school are punished by “sitting under the cloud.”

Today, I found her drawing on my office wall — not a major infringement, to be honest; I once plotted a whole novel on my office walls before I got my giant whiteboard, however, it is a forbidden activity.

I told her, “I’m going to find a cloud for you if you do that again.”

Later, following a microsecond’s inattention on my part, I discovered her back in the office. She’d drawn a cloud on the forbidden wall and was sitting under it, painting her nails with a lipstick.

I silently applauded the creative thinking but withdrew from the field. I know when I'm beaten.


Originally published in The Daily Cuppa

Friday, 7 February 2025

You Can’t Escape Friends Like These


We set out today to see a trio of old friends we’ve not visited since the covid pandemic started. Not that they have the least interest in seeing us, but we were regular visitors up to a couple of years ago.

After the meridian line (zero degrees longitude) leaves the Arctic Circle, it doesn’t hit land until it comes ashore on nearby Tunstall beach. We were heading into an area that takes wind direct from the Arctic with little to get in its way. Even on a warm spring day, several layers of clothing are needed.

We could see our old friends long before we could reach out and touch them...

For the rest of the story, CLICK HERE.

Friday, 17 January 2025

Diving Into A Different Creative Outlet

It wasn’t planned, but Tom Daley and I prepared for winter together.

Being seized by an overwhelming desire to knit came out of nowhere, unless it was the subconscious thought that knitting can’t erupt into political controversy and never figures in the news. I’ve not knitted in decades, and I never had the least aptitude for it, but hey, have-wool-will-knit — and I had wool.

A forensic search of the house turned up a knitting needle — just the one — but I’m not a creative type for nothing, and my scarf began life on one knitting needle and a chopstick.

An online marketplace purchase later, it was on proper knitting needles — not the same size as the original, but then the original wasn’t the same diameter as the chopstick.

It was an exhausting fortnight-long project that rooted out any urge to knit for another few decades, and I was still glowing with a sense of achievement when knitting popped up all over the news; Tom Daley was knitting an Olympic cardigan between dives.

Wow! Knitting round corners and a gold medal for diving. It’s hard not to be impressed.

Tom Daley and I prepared for winter together. He came out champion for fancy footwork, both in the knitting and the diving, but I wonder how he’d have fared if his cardigan had had to start out on a chopstick. Or indeed if he’d worn it for one of his dives.

Mine might not have made the medals, but it’s a good scarf. Bring on winter!



Originally published in The Haven

Friday, 3 January 2025

Mysteries, Blue Skies, And Visits


A busy week has left mysteries unsolved but had good weather in which to mull them over.

A Sign With A Number Of Anomalies

Walking through an unfamiliar town, we came across this sign:

For the rest of the story, CLICK HERE.

Friday, 20 December 2024

Tomato Anxiety? Problem Solved


For years I assumed the tomato Tardis was a myth

There’s a time of year when tomatoes haunt my dreams. I have nothing against homegrown tomatoes, I love them. It feels good to saunter through the greenhouse and pluck and eat a ripe tomato.

But how swiftly that relaxed saunter morphs into a jungle expedition, where they all clamour for attention. We’re ripe! We’re ready to be picked! Ready for storage! Don’t delay!

Then it’s tomato frenzy. Tomatoes of some sort with every meal (or else). The surplus is frozen or stored until every corner of everywhere fills up. Things get fraught:

Where will the apples go?

Get some tomato sauce on those cornflakes!

Why did you plant so many?

Let’s make chutney. We’ll give away the surplus.

Yeah, right. We’re still eating 5-year old chutney and people send us Christmas cards that say: Happy Christmas, no more chutney thanks.

This can’t go on. Solutions are needed.

  1. Grow fewer tomatoes — seems obvious but I try this every year and fail. I wrote about it here.
  2. Find a tomato Tardis that can store a million tomatoes in a matchbox. I thought this was pie-in-the-sky, then … Bingo! I found one.

Our saviour is a fruit dryer. It removes all the liquid — that’s a lot. Pro tip: if you’re at a posh dinner and wish to come across as a sophisticated dainty eater, treat whole tomatoes as live grenades and steer clear.

A few days ago, I was fighting my way through this little lot with a machete. I’m now on the way to reducing a whole greenhouse to a single jar.

Happy days.


Originally published in The Haven

Friday, 6 December 2024

Frolicking Dog, Weather For All Seasons, And A Drooping Dino


Lightning About-Face

Despite a cold snap that brought snow showers, the Caped Crusader has been full of the joys of Spring. In the above shot, she was facing me as I took the picture and managed a lightning 180 just for the fun of it. I got her front view a few seconds later, but she leapt in the air, so I didn’t get her head. I settled for rear view rather than headless.

For the rest of the story, CLICK HERE.

Friday, 15 November 2024

An Alternative Workout For A Cold October Morning


All you need is one short sharp length of metal, such as a bent nail

It’s the school run. We’re on our way — me, the daughter-in-law, and Miniature Person — when I feel that slump of a car that’s not happy on its wheels. It’s a single-track road, barely room to pull to one side. A back tyre is flat as a tack, in body and spirit.

I’ve not changed a wheel in decades, and it’s a first for daughter-in-law, but Miniature Person is enthusiastic about “helping”, which slows things down.

The workout begins:

  1. Weight-lifting to excavate the boot. We find one temporary wheel covered in warnings about speed, and a vast medley of tools including several wheel braces and two jacks, both tiny.
  2. Gymnastic contortions to see under the car and figure out which is the jacking point — there are several contenders.
  3. A bonus stage against the clock: clear everything away to let a car go past; set it all out again.
  4. A precision and dexterity session to extract the covers off the tops of the bolts. We might have a vast medley of tools, but there’s nothing that’ll touch these embedded little blighters, and it takes handbag ingenuity, but we get there in the end.
  5. Leap aside as a van clambers past, scattering bolt covers far and wide. I put them on the roof for safety.
  6. A test of strength and balance jumping up and down on the wheel brace to loosen bolts apparently tightened by someone with a grudge.
  7. Some serious aerobic work with the jack handle on a jack the size of a postage stamp.
  8. More aerobics with the wheel brace to get the bolts out. We could have churned a lot of butter if we’d done this with a different set of equipment.
  9. A medley of weights and balance; off with the old wheel and on with the temporary one. And we’re done.

We’re no sooner back on the road than an unearthly scream alarms us to the edge of cardiac arrest. But it’s just the old wheel in the boot losing the rest of its air. We deliver Miniature Person only 15 minutes late for school and are pretty pleased with ourselves. We reckon we could give one of those Formula 1 pitstop teams a run for its money.

At the garage, we watch enviously as they deploy a hydraulic jack and electric gizmos to sort the bolts, and wonder at the ease with which they circumvent those pesky bolt covers. In fact… damn… what bolt covers?

We drove off with the bolt covers still on the roof.

Anyway, it was a good workout, but once every few decades is as regular as we’re planning to make it.


Originally published in The Haven