just celebrating the publication of Where There's Smoke, the 4th in my contemporary
crime thriller series set in Yorkshire.

As that hardback comes out, the
previous two – The Jawbone Gang and The Doll Makers – are poised to come out as
And as is usually the case with a series, the next one is already
underway and will, hopefully, be My Next Big Thing.
What is the working title of your book?
Where did the idea come from for the book?
my 5th Private Investigator whodunit and it has just evolved as my heroine has grown up.
What genre does your book fall under?
the first four, this is not entirely private investigator / whodunit /
thriller. It’s all those things but it’s also a police procedural
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your
usually reckon 8 to 9 months but it depends how busy the day jobs are (I have
two of those) and this year has been particularly busy
What other books would you compare this story to within your
a bit complex puzzle a la Jeffrey Deaver and a bit psychological thriller a la
Thomas Harris. Ha ha. I should be so lucky!
Who or What inspired you to write this book?
an on-going exploration of ordinary people and weird happenings in the county of Yorkshire. Soon after
we arrived in the area, a neighbour dug up a body whilst building a
kitchen extension – how can you not write crime after that sort of introduction?
What else about your book might pique the reader's interest?
you've followed Annie Raymond’s career from when she was a complete rookie
thrown in at the deep end (in Like False Money), through unearthing the horrors
of her past (in The Doll Makers, the book that won a Crime Writers’ Dagger),
then I hope you’ll be all agog to see how she copes as an experienced operator
pitched into the heart of a major police investigation.
Which five writers will
take over from you next week and tell us about their next big thing:-
- Danuta Reah - award-winning crime writer
- Dan and Gabi - superb cookbook-writing duo. Authors of FIFTY SHADES OF GRAVY.
- April Taylor, who writes mainly crime but also short stories and non-fiction.
- Stuart Aken - prolific short story writer, blogger and novelist.
- Karen Wolfe - writer of comic fantasy, creator of Granny Beamish.
That sounds intriguing. I've read the first two Annie Raymond books and I'm certainly interested in finding out what happens to her.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Rhoda. I hope Annie continues to hold your interest. I'm looking forward to reading Patently in Love. It's on my iPad waiting for me to get a moment when I'm not tied down to some work-related technical tome. A lot of train journeys coming up when I can usually steal some reading time.
ReplyDeleteI've read the other Annie books, but haven't yet grabbed a copy of the new one. It's on my list of books to buy, as I've enjoyed the rest of the series so much. Reading time is the the difficulty. But I'll get there, eventually.
ReplyDeleteThanks Stuart. Much appreciated. I have also appreciated the very comprehensive reviews you've done of my earlier books. I know my publishers were very keen to pick you up as a regular reviewer. But I'm equally sure there are many publishers after you, so hold out for a fat fee!
ReplyDeleteSometimes, reviewing books can become a bit of an Albatross. I've been approached so often that, if I were to submit, I'd never have time to write! So, I'll stick to reviewing those books I choose, rather than earn a few quid (however tempting that may be) by associating myself with a publisher. But I've always enjoyed your output, Penny, so, eventually, I'll get to the new one.
DeleteYou're right of course. And it makes your reviews all the more prized. And hey, don't stop writing. There's an audience out here waiting for your next!