Monday 27 May 2019

August extravaganza in the making

This is where I'll be mid August, by the sea, looking out over one of the East Coast's biggest expanses of sandy beach. Both a popular destination (for those in the know) and also something of a hidden gem.

And in a quiet corner amidst the drone racers, the virtual reality gamers, the retro board gamers, the escapers, the nerf warriors and large contingents from the casts of Star Wars, Dr Who, Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen, will be a crop of newly hatched fiction - five brand new titles, I'm not allowed to say which (but must remember to edit this blog as soon as authorised) plus several titles launched before the event. Mostly Sci-Fi and Fantasy for the FantastiCon launch of course, but a gripping mix all in all.

#fantasticon #onwards